
Acupuncture is a technique using small, sterile, stainless steel needles inserted at specific points in the body, causing a positive response to correct various ailments. Only disposable needles are used. The location of the application of the needles and the depth of the needle insertion is determined by the nature of the problem. When needled or pressed acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.


Cupping is the application of round vacuum cups over a large muscular area, such as the back, to enhance blood circulation to the designated area.


Guasha is the scraping on the surface of the skin to promote circulation, decrease inflammation and pain and boost immunity.

Acupuncture & other modalities

  • Many new patients want to know what to expect during acupuncture treatment. With the insertion of needles, you may feel certain sensations or nothing at all. Some sensations you may experience are a dull ache, tingling, a feeling of fullness, energy moving through the body, relaxation, or a sensation of tightness. That is all normal. If you feel anything sharp or uncomfortable just let me know. Also, after treatment you may feel grounded, relaxed, and possibly “spacey” these feelings are normal with acupuncture.

  • Each appointment starts with an intake. The intake for a new patient appointment is 15-30 minutes. During the intake, you will be asked many questions, some related specifically to your complaint and others seemingly unrelated. Traditional Chinese Medicine requires the entire person be taken into consideration so we can determine what is causing the condition or disease. We treat the whole person, not just the symptom.

    After the intake, single use sterile needles will be inserted into various points on the body. You will then rest and relax for 25 minutes. If deemed beneficial for your condition other modalities may also be used such as: cupping, guasha, moxa or electrical stimulation.

  • As with any medical treatment, healing with acupuncture is a process. Certain conditions may take time to improve and are influenced by many factors. Over time, things should improve and if necessary, we will adjust your treatment plan as we proceed. Changes to your condition can happen faster than anticipated, so enjoy them! We encourage new patients to receive a treatment weekly for 6 weeks. Then, we reevaluate the condition and set a new treatment plan. The ultimate goal is to have each patient feeling great and receiving acupuncture once a month as maintenance.

  • Wear loose fitting clothes that can be easily rolled up above your elbows and knees. Also, you may need to expose your abdomen from your rib cage to the top of your hips, so avoid one-piece suits or dresses.

    Be sure you have eaten at least a light meal within a few hours prior to arriving.

    Avoid alcohol on the day of your treatment.

    Avoid overeating immediately before treatment.

    Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated after your appointment

    For best results, avoid strenuous activity immediately following a treatment. Set aside enough time so that you are not rushing to and from your visit. Physical strain immediately before or after acupuncture can weaken your body.

    Keep a positive attitude and EXPECT positive results. As we follow through on your treatment plan, look for signs of improvement and take encouragement from them. Build an attitude that expects positive results and know that profound healing is possible. Your belief and expectation has an incredibly strong influence on your body, and is a key factor in healing.

  • Acupuncture is successful in relieving symptoms of pain along with a wide range of other conditions including, but not limited to:

    Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders


    Seasonal Allergies


    Ringing in the Ears


    Circulatory Disorders

    High Blood Pressure


    Gastrointestinal Disorders

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome




    Abdominal Bloating


    Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders

    Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

    Irregular, Heavy or Painful Menstruation


    Morning Sickness

    Infertility in Men and Women

    Immune Disorders

    Chronic Fatigue





    Smoking Cessation



    Emotional and Psychological Disorders





    Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders




    Back Pain



    Stiff Neck

    Bell's Palsy

    Trigeminal Neuralgia

    Headaches and Migraines



    Muscle Spasms


    Respiratory Disorders




    Colds and Flus

    Acupuncture Also Treats

    Chemotherapy/ Radiation Side Effects


    Dermatological Disorders

    Weight Control